


“Building homegrown aircraft and vessels has become an extremely important policy of the ministry since President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) assumed office. Progress has been made in building indigenous vess農會土地借貸els and there is another promise the ministry has to keep, which is to develop a new generation of fighter jets,” Minister of National Defense Feng Shih-kuan (馮世寬) said on Monday.買車分期付款

The Ministry of National Defense has announced that it plans to develop a new generation of homegrown fighter jets with 跟銀行借錢stealth capabilities as part of the government’s policy to develop an indigenous defense industry.

By Chen Wei台中套房貸款-han / Staff reporter

軍人貸款推薦台南民間信貸Feng made the announcement during a meeting with reporters, but did not give any detail房貸利率比較2017s原住民貸款優惠 about the design or functions of the new aircraft.

新聞來源:首購貸款玉山銀行青年貸款條件>TAIPEI TIMES

According to reports, the new fighter jet is to be a 低息私人貸款房屋二胎設定double-engine stealth plane developed with Taiwanese technology.

While the nation is still seeking to procure F-35Bs, the short takeoff and vertical-landing variant of the US stealth jet that could satisfy the nation’s defense needs due to 車貸沒繳完可以賣車嗎the vulnerability of air bases, Taiwan has to develop its own fighter jets to maintain its defense capabilities and increase the possibility of 信用貸款好嗎procurement, Feng said.

The National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology has reportedly been developing the engine technology based on the model fitted on the Indigenous Defense Fighter (IDF).

汽車借款行照車貸條件與車貸常見問題民間信貸是什麼The air force’s Aviation Technology Research Center is also to be responsible債務整合公司 for the development of the new fighter jets.

The research center, though receiving little public attention, is critical for refining the nation’s air defense capabilities in the next 10 to 20 years, Feng said.

HOME聯邦銀行信用貸款小額借款3萬G負債整合協商ROWN: A senior military analyst持分土地借款 said that he doubted that the IDF engine could be used on a next-generation fighter jet due to its inadequate thrust

The development of homegrown fighter jets is key to the nation’s defense industry, as Aerospace Industrial Development Corp, which designed and built the IDF when it was an air force research division, is now the nation’s largest defense company, Feng said.

However, senior military ana玉山銀行小額信貸試算lyst Erich Shih (施孝瑋) said that the IDF engine, with 貸款融資its信用貸款利率比較2017 inadequate thrust, could not be used to power next-generation fighter jets.

A capable engine on next-generation fighter jets should produce at least 24,000 pounds of thrust, but an IDF’s two engines哪間銀行信貸比較好過 can only produce up to 18,000 pounds of thrust, making the IDF engine unfit for the new jets, Shih said.

Since the development of the IDF in the 1990s, Taiwan has made little progress in military aviation or technological cooperation with other nations — such as an青年首購貸款2017 aborted plan to partner with an Italian manufacturer to build trainer jets for the air force — but building new jets is a more efficient option, both technologically and financially, to advance the nation’s aerospace industry, he said.




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