

PROPHYLACTICS: The CDC has prepared 1.97 million債務協商流程 N95 surgical masks, 510,000 protective clothing suits and about 45 million other types o小額信貸10萬f surgical masks

Later yeste小額信貸利率比較rday, another poultry farm in Hualien was also declared infected.

The department would be monitoring areas in the city such as the Chiang Kai-shek Me信用貸款比較2017morial Hall com小額貸款公司plex and Daan Forest Park, which usually attract flocks of wild birds, department official Yang Wei-hsiu (楊維修) said.

The Taipei Department of Environmental Protection yesterday warned the public not to feed wild birds, adding that the maximum fine for feeding wild birds is NT$6,000.

The news came after a turkey farm in Tainan was on Sunday confirmed to have H5N6-infected birds, following the first confirmed H5N6 infection in the nation last week at a poultry farm in Hualien County and a case in Yilan County on Saturday.

All personnel connected with the recent cases have been monitored by the centers for possible infection, Chuang said, adding that aside from c債務協商申請書h債務協商程序ecking on such personnel every day, the centers have also instructed medical facilities to ask patients with flu-like symptoms whether they had been near poultry carcass青年安心成家方案2017es.信用貸款利率試算

The Cabinet on Sunday established a Central Epidemic Response Center.

He added that if the outbreak continues, the Cabinet would take further measures, such as imposing border or movem信貸利率最低ent controls.

A case of H5N2 contamination was confirmed at a chicken farm in the county’s Taisi Township (台西), Yulin County Animal and Plant Disease Control Center Director Liao Pei-chung (青年首購貸款銀行廖培志) said separately yesterday.小額借款台中

The confirmation resulted in the culling of 3,900 chickens, bringing the total number of birds culled in the county to more than 130,000 so far 新竹哪裡可以借錢小額借貸快速撥款缺錢急用this year, he said, adding that the authorities th債務協商機制en disinfected nearby areas to prevent the 信用貸款代辦spread of the virus.

KMT Legislator Arthur Chen (陳宜民) called on Taiwanese travelers and businesspeople to remain vigilant, as cases of H5N6 infectio信貸條件n信用貸款率利比較2017 in humans have been rep青創貸款資格orted in China.

Centers for新車貸條件 Disease Control (CDC) Deputy Director-General Chuang Jen-hsiang (莊人祥) yesterday urged people to avoid visiting live poultry markets or poultry farms and not to eat raw eggs to avoid H5N6 infections.


However, Chuang said humans can only become infected with the virus if a person is exposed to an environment where the virus is active, so only poultry farmers and personnel culling the infected animals are now at risk.

The centers have been working closely with the Council of Agriculture and local health bureaus since Feb. 5 to ensure that personnel who are responsible for cu信用不良如何借錢lling and disposal of carcasses wear protective clothing and N95 surgical masks, he said.青創貸款利率2017信用瑕疵房貸債務整合申請表信貸利率比較

Comprehensive test results should be available today, 信貸試算excelthe Chiayi County Department of Agriculture said, adding that county inspectors found contaminated chickens at an unlicensed butcher’s shop in a traditional market.

The centers have prepared 1.97 million N95 surg循環理財貸款ical masks, 510,000 sets of protective clothing and about 45 million other types of surgical masks to serve as disease prevention equipment, Chuang said.

A farm in Chiayi yesterday became the nation’s latest poultry farm to test positive for the highly pathogenic H5N6 avian influenza virus strain.

By Lin Yan-tan, Lu Yi-hsuan and Jonathan Chin / Sta小額貸款率利試算表ff reporters, with staff writer

The Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) caucus yesterday called a news conference, demanding that th債務整合公司e小額借款台北 central government make the “maximum effort” to prevent a national outbreak.

The situation is “a matter of national security,” KMT Legislator Alicia Wang (王育敏) said, urging the government to remain on guard, as farmers might conceal incidents of contamination at their facilities.

The center held its first meeting yesterd債務整合手續費ay, during which Pre青年首購房貸2017mier Lin Chuan (林全) called on local governments to work with the central government to make preparations and adopt measures to contain the disease.

Additional reporting by Huang Shu-li and CNA

新聞來源:小額借款利率比較TAIPEI TIMES


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